What are the eligibility requirements for application?
Applications must be submitted by a teacher, principal, school staff member, or member of the PTA; parents are not
eligible to apply unless they are members of the PTA
The school applying must be a public or private K-12 school and be located in one of the following areas:
Pittsylvania County, Caswell County, City of Danville, Halifax County, City of Martinsville, or Henry County. The School must also either have a URW Branch or participate in one of URW Financial Literacy Programs.
The school must have a minimum of 30% of students eligible for free/reduced lunch or equivalent. For private schools,
the school must have a minimum of 30% of students attending on a full financial scholarship.
All grant requests must fall into one of three categories: Financial Literacy, Environmental Sustainability and Technology
Tools to enhance learning in the core subjects of reading, writing, math, science and the arts. Any grants falling outside of these
categories or grants that do not directly enhance the learning of the students are ineligible.
What are the three categories?
Financial Literacy: Financial Education enhances a student’s understanding of basic money management, budgeting,
goal setting and the importance of good credit and how credit works. The grant can be for materials needed to enhance
this learning, or programs like Junior Achievements program for Finance Park, and possible events like a financial
education night for parents and students, etc.
Environmental Sustainability: Environmental Learning would be programs or education that enhances the students
learning of sustainability or environmental impacts, conservation, etc.
Technology Tools to enhance learning: Technology Tools such as electronic dictionaries, library smart board audio books
for classroom, math calculators, microscopes and graphing calculators, weather station, document cameras, etc.
What are the details of the grant?
URW will award up to $5,000 total in Grants in this cycle
A maximum of $1,000 will be awarded per grant
Schools may be awarded more than one grant, but the maximum amount awarded is $1,000 per school, per year.
What are the selection criteria?
An internal selection committee will evaluate the applications and select the recipients.
The committee will consider:
- The eligibility of the request
- The impact of funds on students learning
- The potential use of funds as outlined in the grant application
- The number of students reached with grant funds and potential on-going use of item or program
What are some examples of awarded grants?
Graphing calculators for math classrooms
Listening centers for young readers
Field Trip to Science Center
Bringing a Cultural Arts Program to the school
Supplies for a sustainable classroom garden
What are some examples of ineligible grant applications?
Continued education for teachers
Computers for the administration
Physical education requests