Account Opening FAQ's
  • What do I need to open an account with URW Community Federal FCU?

  • A valid U.S. address and Social Security number are required.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older and will also need to provide a 2nd form of ID. Currently we can only accept U.S. Driver's Licenses online.
  • You will be required to provide personal information, including your date of birth, and former mailing address(es).
  • If you are not a U.S. Citizen or U.S. Resident Alien and do not have this information, we will be unable to enroll you online. Please visit one of our branches for assistance.

  • Will I know what my account number is right away? Or do I have to wait until the Credit Union receives the $25.00 required?

In most cases you will receive a member account number right away. In some cases further validation is required before a member number can be issued.
  • What information do I need to open a joint account?

You'll need the same information that's required when opening an individual account, but you'll need it for both applicants. Please note that each applicant will need to sign the signature card.
  • Why is personal information required to open an account online?

Your application is processed subject to our ability to verify your identity.
  • How long before I receive my debit card and checks?

You should receive these items between 7 and 10 business days.
  • Can you fax a copy of your id?

Yes, Photo IDs can be faxed to 434-799-0949.
  • How secure is your site? I am uncomfortable entering in my personal information online.

URW Community Federal uses encryption for online security. Encryption technology helps provide secure transmission of information along the Internet by encoding the transmitted data using a mathematical formula to scramble the data. Without a corresponding "decoder," the transmission would look like nonsense text and would be unusable.

Encryption technology can be used for a host of applications, including electronic commerce (sending credit card numbers for orders or transmitting account information), e-mail messages and sensitive documents.

Encryption is utilized with the transmission of data from one party to another. The sender encodes the data by scrambling it and then sends it on. The receiver must decode the data with the correct "decoder" in order to read and use it. The effectiveness (or level of security) for encryption is measured in terms of how long the key is - the longer the key, the longer it would take for someone without the correct "decoder" to break the code. The length of the key is measured in bits (e.g., 40-bit encryption, the level of encryption used with many ordinary browsers, versus 128-bit encryption, the level of encryption required to use this application).
  • Do I have to fund the account right now or may I come in with cash or mail a check?

A $25.00 initial, refundable membership deposit is required at time of opening to maintain your membership in the Credit Union.
  • How are you going to verify that I am who I say I am?

URW Community Federal verifies potential member identities through documentary identification (ex: driver’s license, non-driver’s id, passports) and non-documentary identification sources (ex: third party authentication systems and/or types of credit bureau verification).
  • Can I open a savings certificate online?

Yes, you may open savings certificates during the account opening process. Once you open your member account, you may also open savings certificates through Net Branch (login here), our Internet banking system.
  • Can I open an IRA account online?

No, not at this time. You will need to call our Member Services department or visit a branch to open an IRA.
  • Can I add a joint owner right away online or would I have to come into a branch with them?

Yes a joint owner can be added. On the Account Selection screen, just change the Account Ownership dropdown box from "Individual" to "Joint" and then fill in the requested information for the joint applicant.
  • Can I opt out of getting a check card, ATM card or checks?

Yes, just remove the check mark next to these items on the Account Option screen.
  • Can I choose my own PIN number?

You will select your own password for Net Branch, our Internet banking system, as well as your own PIN for Teller Talk, our Automated Voice Response system. A randomly generated PIN will be assigned to your debit and ATM card, which you will receive in the mail. After you receive your card you can change the PIN by visiting one of our ATM’s.
  • Can I set up direct deposit as soon as I get my account number?

Yes, to set up direct deposit you will need to provide your employer payroll department with your new member account number and our ABA/Routing number. Our ABA/Routing number is 251480482.
  • Can I sign up for Bill Payer as soon as my account is opened?

Yes, you may sign up for Bill Payer by logging on to Net Branch (login here), out Internet banking system, and clicking the I-pay link.
  • May I apply for a loan as soon as my account is opened?

Yes, you may click on the link for Teller Loan Express at the end of the account opening process, or click on "Apply for a Loan" in the navigation from any page of
  • What number would I call if I want to speak to someone before doing this?

You may call our New Accounts area at 434-793-1278 during normal business hours. You may also contact the New Accounts area by sending an e-mail to
  • I have IRA money, can this be transferred? If so, will it be coded correctly?

In order to establish an IRA with URW Community Federal, an IRA Simplifier must be completed. To obtain this form as well as IRA contribution and IRA transfer forms, please contact Member Services at 434-793-1278 during normal business hours, or download one under the Education and Resources Forms Tab (link).
  • Is there going to be a hold on my funds, if so for how long?

Holds of 7 business days will be placed on the new accounts.
  • How are my funds insured?

Your savings is federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government, National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency. IRA shares are insured separately up to $250,000. For more information visit
  • What are the rates?

A listing of the current dividend rates for each share can be obtained by clicking links Rates & Fees in the primary navigation section of our website.
  • What fees are associated with opening an account online?

There are no fees for opening an account online. You can click here for a full fee schedule, or click on Rates & Fees in the primary navigation at
  • Are there minimum balances required?

When opening your account, a $25.00 initial, refundable membership deposit is required to maintain your membership in the Credit Union. Start by visiting our Rates page, then browse to the specific account(s) you are interested in for product funding minimums.
  • How often will I receive a statement?

Statements are created monthly for members with Share Draft checking accounts. For accounts with only a savings share, you will receive quarterly statements.
  • How can I switch all of my accounts from my other bank?

URW Community Federal offers an Online Switch Kit that allows you to enter all your information into an automated system. Once you've entered your information, the system automatically creates a complete set of individually customized letters, forms and a checklist, which is ready for printing and mailing. The Switch Kit can be found at the end of the online account opening process or under Join Now in the primary navigation of our website.
  • When is the opening deposit processed?

ACH transfers from your existing account at another financial institution to your new account will occur on the third business day.
  • Can I change the information on my account application?

You have the option to edit your account information prior to submitting the information to URW Community Federal. Simply click on the "Edit" button above the grouping of information you would like to change, and you will be permitted to change your input.

539 Arnett Boulevard
Danville, VA 24540

314 Lowes Drive
Danville, VA 24540

1901 Goodyear Boulevard
Danville, VA 24541

142 South Main Street
Danville, VA 24541

701 Broad Street
Danville, VA 24541

230 South Ridge Street
Danville, VA 24541

228 Cleveland Street
Danville, VA 24540

13701 US Highway 29, Suite I
Chatham, VA 24531

4018 Halifax Road
South Boston, VA 24592

1 High School Circle
South Boston, VA 24592

796 Commonwealth Boulevard
Martinsville, VA 24112

1092 NC Highway 86 N
Yanceyville, NC 27379

URW Routing Number: 251480482

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