Open your account!
URW Community Federal Savings Accounts have great rates with no fees to maintain your account, and you’ll like the convenience of “anywhere banking” with free online, mobile and telephone banking. By opening a savings account with as little as $25, you are establishing membership with URW Community Federal and can take advantage of all that the credit union has to offer. Whether you’re just starting out or saving for something specific, make the most of your money with a URW Community Federal savings account. We offer a variety of safe and secure savings plans designed to match your style and meet your needs.
To compare savings account features and help you decide which one best fits your banking preferences, view the
comparison chart.
Member Share Savings URW Community Federal Member Share Savings Account earns our current standard posted rate—which typically is higher than what you’ll find at most big banks.
Save money and earn dividends for financial stability, retirement or other needs with a Member Share Savings Account. Funds can be used to provide overdraft protection for your checking account or as collateral for a savings secured loan. Funds are conveniently available to you and there is no minimum balance fee.*
Account Features
- Low $25 minimum opening deposit
- A low minimum daily balance of $500 must be maintained to obtain the disclosed APY
- No minimum balance fee
- Unlimited ATM transactions
- Deposits available through payroll deduction or Direct Deposit
- Minimum $25 balance makes you eligible for other URW Community Federal services.
Standard Features
- Regular or Electronic Account statements
- Immediate, 24-hour access to funds through:
- Teller Talk
- Net Branch On-line Access
- URW Community Federal, Cirrus®, Accel, and Exchange ATM networks when approved for a URW Community Federal ATM Card or ATM/Check Card
- Overdraft protection for your URW Community Federal checking account (Subject to transaction limitations.)
* You must keep a minimum of $25 in a URW Community Federal Regular Savings Account to maintain membership. A$1 fee is assessed if the account balance is below $25 on the statement cut-off date.
Member Advantage Savings - Coming soon
Here's how to qualify for Member Advantage:
- Open checking and savings accounts
- Sign up to receive eStatements
- Make a monetary transaction each month using one of these free and convenient electronic services:
- Debit Visa: Make purchases online, over the phone and in person
- Online Banking or Telephone Banking: Make URW Community loan or Visa® payments, or transfer funds between URW Community Federal accounts
- Bill Payment: Pay utilities, credit cards, businesses or individuals
- Direct Deposit: Receive a recurring monthly direct deposit from your paycheck or other monthly income into your URW Community Federal checking account
View more benefits
Kidz Club Share Accounts With interest earned on the first $500, kids and pre-teens can quickly learn the power of saving with our Kidz Club Share Account. Designed for members under the age of 13, the Youth Savings Account is the perfect account for teaching your child the importance of saving while allowing him or her to earn dividends. This account allows the minor to make withdrawals and deposits to the account without requiring the joint owner to be present and gives the minor the control and experience of maintaining his or her own account. A parent or legal guardian must be a joint owner on the account until the minor reaches the age of 18.
Account Features
- Low $25 minimum opening deposit
- No minimum balance requirement to earn dividends
- Interest earned on first $500
- Allows minor to make withdrawals and deposits to the account without requiring the joint owner to be present
Standard Features
- Regular or Electronic account statements
- Immediate, 24-hour access to funds through:
- Teller Talk
- Net Branch On-line Access
- URW Community Federal, Cirrus®, Accel & Exchange ATM networks when approved for a URW Community Federal ATM Card
Goal Savings Account A savings plan that makes cents! With Goal Savings, you can earn high dividends while you save for special occasions such as a wedding, a special event or the purpose of a major appliance!
Benefits include:
- Receive dividends the 1st of each month
- Access to URW Community Federal ATMs (deposits only), Telephone Talk and Net Branch Online Access 24 hours, 7 days a week
- Funds are transferred to URW Community Federal savings account when you have reached your goal
- Open with just $25 or $5 with payroll deduction or automatic transfer from a URW Community Federal checking or savings account
Christmas Club Account It's easier to manage your holiday season expenses when you've saved all year long. The Christmas Club Account is designed to help make saving for the holidays simple and convenient. It offers two easy automated deposit options and pays dividends that compound monthly. Your Christmas Club funds will be transferred into your designated checking or savings account on November 1st, and will renew each year.
Account Features
- Minimum $25 deposit to open or just $5 if you sign up for payroll deduction or automatic transfer from your URW Community Federal regular savings or checking account
- No minimum balance required to earn dividends
- May be opened any time throughout the year
- Deposits can be made at any URW Community Federal ATM or office, through payroll deduction or automatic transfer from your URW Community Federal savings or checking account
- Renews automatically each year unless you close it
- Funds automatically transfer each November 1st to your URW Community Federal savings or checking account
Standard Features
- Regular or Electronic account statements
Vacation Savings Account A savings plan that makes cents! With Vacation Savings Accounts, you can earn high dividends while you save for the trip of your dreams!
Account Features
- Minimum $25 deposit to open or just $5 if you sign up for payroll deduction or automatic transfer from your URW Community Federal Regular Savings or checking account
- No minimum balance required to earn dividends
- May be opened any time throughout the year
- Deposits can be made at any URW Community Federal ATM or office, through payroll deduction or automatic transfer from your URW Community Federal savings or checking account
- Renews automatically each year unless you close it
- Funds automatically transfer each June 1st to your URW Community Federal savings or checking account
Current rates and annual percentage yields (APY) are subject to change daily *See Account Disclosure for details
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*APY = Annual Percentage Yield; rates subject to change, fees may reduce earnings. Member Share Savings and Kidz Club Share Accounts require a minimum opening deposit