Ensure your wishes are followed now and after you’re gone.
Open your account
A Trust Account is created based on a written agreement to manage property for the benefit of another person.
Open to: |
In order for a trust to qualify for membership, the trustor opening the account must be eligible for membership. |
Key Features: |
- May have all share accounts (excluding IRAs, HSAs and Loans), regular savings certificates and an ATM or URW Check Card
- Separately insured by NCUA
How to Open: |
Trustee/Trustor must complete a membership card along with a request to open a Trust Account and provide a copy of the Trust Agreement. A minimum deposit of $25 is required at time of opening.
Accessing Account: |
Trustee(s)/Trustor(s) can perform transactions on the account. The Tustee(s)/Trustor(s) must sign all account documentation, including checks, in the representative capacity. For example, Joe Brown, Trustee of the Brown Family Trust. |
A trust will not be granted loans and cannot open IRAs.