Connected is our program suited for the 18-25 year old. It will help put you on the fast track to the financial future that you deserve. Our goal is to give you the tools that you’ll need to save wisely and often, invest appropriately and most importantly to build the kind of credit that will last you a lifetime. Because we know that the life that you’ve been dreaming of is right around the corner, we want to help get you there.
Connected Features:
We know you and we know how you work. Our e-wallet is designed to fit your lifestyle. With FREE Home Banking, Bill Payer, e-Statements, Mobile Banking, SMS Text Banking and a VISA Debit card, it’s available to you at your convenience. It’s also green in two ways; it helps reduce the use of wasted paper and resources, and you get more GREEN (money) in your account because you’re not charged for checks, stamps or envelopes.
You’re going to love all our gear! From flip-flops to flash drives and everything in between. We’re going to reward your loyalty with Connected gear that will have your friends seeing green…green like the planet your saving, and green like the money you’ll be saving. All this, because you are connected!
When you open your account you’ll get your Credit Care Kit. It will help identify and avoid the common pitfalls that young adults make when applying for all of those “to-good-to-be-true” credit offers.